
Bueno una vez que le hagamos hecho el Jailbreak podemos descargar millones de mamadas, recuerden si le pasa algo al iPhone restaurenlo desde iTunes y haganle el Jailbreak.
Aqui pondre como poner el iPhone en español, fajense con la foto, digo... fijense en la foto
Ven, esta en español

Para esto se tienen que ir al Installer, luego verifican que tengan en Sources (fuentes) una pagina llamada http://thebigboss.org/repo.xml si no la agregan, luego ya en Istall se van a la seccion Localization y ahi instalan Languaje Pack (1.1.4), necesitaras tener la version 1.1.4 para ponerlo,
luago ya instalado ta vas a Ajustes/General/International y le cambias el idioma a español.
Si quieres poner Ñ o acentos, ya estaba esa funcion antes de que tocaras tu iphone, en el teclado deja apretada la letra N y te aparecera una cosa para poner la letra Ñ.

Para un chingo de sources para que te descargues un chingo de cosas, agrega a tus sources la ssiguiente pagina:
http://ride4.org/shai.xml y vete a Install, Seccion Sources y hay una que dice All Sources, instalala y tendras todas las Sources encontradas.

Si quieres tener mas espacio para poner juegos descargate BossTool desde el installer.
Una vez descargado abrelo y vete a Free Disk Space, Dale click en Relocate Apps, y listo. se te pasara a la memoria de 8 GB las aplicaciones.

Si quieres descargar musica desde el iPhone descargate iSlsk desde el instaleer, que esta en la seccion Network.

Y si quieres descargar porno, agrega a tus sources la siguiente pagina:
repo.codegenocide.com y descargate iSteamy

Por ultimo dejo una lista de sources para que te las descargues:

Community Sources

AppTapp Official: repository.apptapp.com
BigBoss: thebigboss.org/repo.xml
iSpazio repo.ispazio.net
ModMyiFone: modmyifone.com/installer.xml
RiP Dev: repository.ripdev.com
Ste Packaging: repo.smxy.org/iphone-apps

All of The Others

aka.Repository: akamatsu.org/repo.xml
AlliPodHax: ihackz.com/index.xml (Install All Sources)
AlohaSoft: (Aqwoah theme available after donation)
Apogee LTD: apogeeltd.com
BigBoss Beta: thebigboss.org/repobeta.xml (BigBoss' beta stuff)
Byooi Digicide: byooi.com/iphone/digicide.plist (Jiggy Apps)
BlackWolf m8an.de/ownrisk.xml (Extended Preferences, use at your own risk.)
Caissa: caissa.us (Caissa native chess)
CedSoft: prog.cedsoft.free.fr (iSnake/Bounce)
Chris Miles: iphone.rustyredwagon.com/repo (iSolitaire, iSlots, iCrossword)
Code Genocide (Adults Only): repo.codegenocide.com (iSteamy)
Conceited Software: conceitedsoftware.com/iphone
CopyCoders: homepage.mac.com/hartsteins/copycoders/copycoders.xml (Network Apps)
Death to Design: iphone.deathtodesign.com
Dlubbat: www.dlubbat.com/iphone.xml (TextTwist)
Earth3D: s.imov.eu (Earth3D, 3D representation of the earth)
Fight Club: dezign999.com/repo
Hijinks Inc.: i.hijinksinc.com (Themes for the iPod touch and iPhone)
Gogosoft: www.blackblack.org/gogobeta.plist (NetChess)
iApp-a-Day: iappaday.com/install
iClarified: installer.iclarified.com
iJailbreak: ijailbreak.com/repo.plist
iPlayful: iplayful.com/r (Snake)
iPodTouchMaster: ipodtouchmaster.com/files/repo.xml (1.1.3/4 Jailbreak & iPhone Apps For 1.1.1/2/3/4)
iPhoneDevDocs: idevdocs.com/install
iPhoneSurge: iphonesurge.com/installer.xml
iPhone Recorder: iphone-recorder.com/install
iPhone Video Recorder: iphonevideorecorder.com/install
iThemes: imagine09.com/IndexAE.xml
iSwitcher: www.meachware.com/list.xml
iUnlock: i.unlock.no
Jmiz9000: Jmiz9000.techdocrx.com/repo.xml
Limited Edition iPhone: limitededitioniphone.com/lei.xml
Marco Giorgini: marcogiorgini.com/iPhone/plist.xml (Yeti3D, Pac3D)
Mateo: bblk.net/iphone (BeatPhone)
MNPlight: movenplay.gforge.inria.fr/iphone (MoveNPlay Client, Manage iTunes, contacts and so forth)
Mobile Stacks: mobilestack.googlecode.com/svn/repository/internal.plist
Moyashi: hpcgi3.nifty.com/moyashi/ipodtouch/repository.cgi
MTL: home.mike.tl/iphone
New Att iPhone: newattiphone.com/repo.xml (Tetris, Penguin Panic)
Niffob: niffob.com/triphone.xml (Themes and more)
Nuclear Design: nucleardesign.net/repository
PBF: polarbearfarm.com/repo (Showtime Video Recorder)
peeInMyPantz potty: potty.peeinmypantz.com (Guide to Singapore Public Transport)
Pyrofer's Projects: pyrofersprojects.com/repos/repos.xml
R4m0n: iphone.r4m0n.net/repos (iPhysics)
Robota Softwarehouse: iphone.robota.nl (Chess, Screenshot, iGo, iSpit, iLevel, Sysinfo)
scummVM: urbanfanatics.com/scummvm.xml
Shai's Apps: ride4.org/shai.xml (Customize Addons, and install over 70 sources)
ShopList: mazinger.cs.yale.edu/iphone-apps/index.xml (ShopList)
Simek's Graphic: simek.ddl2.pl
SimPort: install.ifon.no (Import contacts directly off your SIM card to iPhone)
Skrew: i.danstaface.net (iToday, vWallpaper, Skrew Common)
SNES: frankssnesroms.890m.com/REPO/snesroms.xml (SNES Emulator)
SoSsiPhone: rep.sosiphone.com (ContactFlow)
SpoofApp: www.SpoofApp.com/source (CallerID Spoofing)
Studded: studded.net/installer/index.xml
Swell: lyndellwiggins.com/installer/Swell
TheLuiz: theluiz.com/repo
Touch Fans: touchrepo.com/betarepo.xml
Touchmod Team: touchmods.net/rep.xml (Sip client for the iTouch)
weiPhone: app.weiphone.com/installer (weTools/weDict)
Wizdom on Wheels: iphoneapps.wizdomonwheels.com (Common website links)
Zodttd: zodttd.com/repo (Gameboy advance, openttd and psx4all)


Arabic: apps.iphoneislam.com
Chinese: iphone.org.hk/repository.plist
Danish: iphone.vildmedmac.dk/install
FrenchIphone: rep.frenchiphone.com
German: sendowski.de/iphone
Greek: greek-iphone.com/grloc
Hebrew עברית: ihebrew.net
Norwegian - iFon: install.ifon.no
Persian: s.myiphone.ir
Polish - iPolish(1.1.2/3/4): i.myapple.pl/repo
Português-Brasil(1.1.2): iphonemod.com.br/forum/repo/installer.xml
Russian iPhone по-русски russianiphone.ru/beta
Russian Tools (in English) russianiphone.ru/beta/en
Spanish Phyros iPhone-ES: iphone.frickr.es/index.xml
Swedish iFun: ifun.se/swe
Taiwan: iphone4.tw/showme (SummerBoard Themes)
Taiwanese: iphone4.tw/unlock
Thai: pradt.net/iphone
Türkçe: niffob.com/triphone.xml
Vietnamese: iphone.billydragon.net

Inactive (for reference)

HighTymes: hightymes.org/iphone/plist/index.xml
Loring Studios: loringstudios.com/iPhone-schnapps/index.xml  
iBlackjack: patrickmccarron.com/irepo

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