Aprende a Programar tu Propio Videojuego

Este tutorial lo voy a ir continuando pasando el tiempo cuando ya lo acabe borrare este mensaje.

Para programar algo necesitas un programa que te ayude a hacerlo, en este caso usaremos unos facilisimo de usar, Game Maker, este programa le entendi a los 10 min. de descargarlo, lo basico es entenderle al ingles algo, y lo avanzado es saberte los codigos.
Para descargar el programa que necesitaras haz click aqui.
Una vez descargado e instalado abrelo y veras un que tiene varios iconos, el siguiente paso es que conzcas que es que.

Room.- Es un nivel o un cuarto donde hay background (imagen de fondo), objects (objetos), y donde suceden los eventos.
Sprite.- son dibujos que luego se van a convertir en objetos, es decir, es lo que se ve de un personaje u objeto que esta en un room.
Object.-Es un objeto en el que los scripts van a dar efecto, este puede tener un sprite paratener forma, o puede ser invisible.
Background.- Imagen de Fondo, esta le va dar aspecto al room.
Sound.- Sonido, ya sea de fondo o que suene con un evento.

Ahora les voy a dar a conocer cosas basicas de un script.

Script.- Son codigos que dicen que hacer al programa cuando ocurra un evento.
Evento.- Es un succeso que pasa cuando el usario de la computadora hace algo con la computadora, ya sea apretar una tecla, mover el raton, o meter un cd.
Esto es todo lo que tienen que saber de scripts hasta ahora

Aqui voy a poner los tutoriales oficiales de Game Maker pero luego los traduzco:
Te indican como ir programando un juego.

Whats A Good Game?

Tutorial: What is a Good Game? (zip file, 190 KB)
This tutorial describes some of key ingredients in creating good games. The tutorial is general, that is, not restricted to Game Maker.

Your First Game

Tutorial: Your First Game (zip file, 850 KB)
This tutorial is meant for people that have problems getting started with Game Maker. In very precise steps it helps you create your first game.

Creating a Scrolling Shooter

Tutorial: Creating a Scrolling Shooter (zip file, 1.8 MB)
This extensive tutorial shows you how to create a scrolling shooter. It also treats a number of aspects of Game Maker like the use of variables, views, and time lines.

Maze Games

Tutorial: Maze Games (zip file, 1.4 MB)
This tutorial shows you how to create a simple maze game. It treats such aspects as how to make a character move from cell to cell, how to display the score and the lives, how to create monsters, and how to add all sorts of special features like movable blocks.

Platform Games

Tutorial: Platform Games (zip file, 1.6 MB)
This tutorial shows you how to create a simple platform game. It treats such aspects as how to make a character jump and land, how to crush monsters when the character jumps on top of them, and how to use tiled backgrounds for creating appealing graphics.

3 Dimentional Games

Tutorial: 3-Dimensional Games (zip file, 1.1 MB)
This tutorial shows you how to create games with a 3-dimensional look. It discusses parallax scrolling, the use of depth and image scaling and how to create isometric games. It shows that Game Maker is more powerful than you might think and is not really limited to 2-dimensional games.

Multiplayer Games

Tutorial: Multiplayer Games (zip file, 210 KB)
This tutorial shows you how to create a multiplayer game. It shows how to set up a connection, how to create game sessions and how to communicate between the games. Two examples are given: a two-player pong game and a simple chat program. This is an advanced tutorial and requires coding experience in GML. It also requires a pro version of the program.

A First Person Shooter

Tutorial: A First Person Shooter (zip file, 2.4 MB)
Version 7 of Game Maker contains functions for creating 3-dimensional graphics. This tutorial shows you how to use these functions to create a simple first person shooter in which you can walk through a number of rooms, shooting barrels and monsters that try to attack you. This is an advanced tutorial and requires coding experience in GML. It also requires a pro version of the program.

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